Past Lives, Present Lives and Future Lives, Part Seven

past life workshops boulder

Welcome to the ongoing saga, our blog on reincarnation. Reincarnation is accepted by over 4 billion people in the world. Strangely enough, there are still people in the Western culture who have a very hard time wrapping their heads around this broad and fascinating subject.

So I bought a book by Morey Bernstein called The Search for Bridey Murphy. Much to my surprise, as I read this book I found out that his path led him to the renowned Edgar Cayce. He also got great information about reincarnation in a book by Dr. Gina Cerminara called Many Mansions.

Mr. Bernstein and his wife Hazel decided to investigate reincarnation and their 1st stop would be Virginia Beach, Virginia. They met Hugh Cayce, Edgar Cayce’s son. He cordially answered all of their questions and led them to a huge vault where all of his father’s readings were filed.

Then they flew to New York to get to the core of his Cayce inquiry — the main 3 questions he wanted answers from especially the reincarnation question. When they finished quizzing all of the people on their list it became clear that Edgar Cayce was not a fraud. They also looked into the Sherwood Eddy report. They talked to many doctors who had patients who got help from Edgar Cayce. They all agreed that his diagnosis ranged from 80-100% accurate. They wanted to get the story directly from people involved that had been helped. Much to our surprise lawyers, authors, steel workers etc. all said that Edgar Cayce worked wonders. Also he never accepted any payments for his readings.

Reincarnation showed up mostly in Cayce’s life reading for people.

Rudyard Kipley wrote a story “The Finest Story in The World”. Morey Bernstein found this book in his finance advisor’s library. He sent Mr. Bernstein to the New York library in the 1950’s and they already had hundreds of books on reincarnation.

Some notable people who also believed in past lives are Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Benjamin Franklin, Pluto, Socrates, Longfellow, Whitman, Goethe, Pythagorus, Caesar, Oliver Wendall Holmes, Victor Hugo, Thomas Huxley, Sir Walter Scott and so many more.

Then Morey Bernstein found out that hypnotists could help people discover their past lives so he started to work on going down that path to see if he could contact that woman he met at a party in his early 20s and accidentally connected her to an Irish woman in the 1800’s named Bridey Murphy. We will continue this fascinating story in the next blog.


2024 Winter Solstice Newsletter

Past Lives, Present Lives and Future Lives, Part Six

past life workshops boulder

Welcome to our latest blog exploring some of the many lives that I have witnessed over the last 30 years.

In one of our past life classes years ago there was a woman who kept having the same experiences over and over again in each class. Finally, she moved to the next section of that lifetime and was able to put all the pieces together. The first part she described to the class was a man wearing a tilted hat standing outside an old house. He looked very sad and it seemed like no one in the house was interested in letting him in the house. So in the beginning of these regressions, he just stayed outside waiting for them to let him in. Finally, she realized the people in the house couldn’t see him.

Over many classes, she discovered that she was Edward Curtis. In every regression, he wore a hat that tilted over one of his eyes. She came across a picture randomly and immediately knew she had found the person she was looking for. Edward Curtis was an American photographer who focused on the American West and Native American people. In 1895 he met and photographed Princess Angelinine known as Kickisomic. She was the daughter of Chief Sealth of Seattle. In 1906 J.P. Morgan provided Curtis with $75,000 to produce a series on Native Americans. It took Curtis 20 years to produce this series of twenty volumes. He took over 40,000 photographs in that twenty years. He used 1500 of them in the Native American series. Much of Curtis’s work was lost to the world for years in a bookstore basement and rediscovered in 1972. His work is now shown in Northwestern University, Library of Congress, Charles Lauriat archives eventually were put in the Palace of the Governors in Santa Fe, New Mexico. His work is also on display at the Peabody Museum. His work is also on display at the Indiana University and the University of Wyoming.

The woman really struggled with the regressions but found a consistent aspect in all of them. the man she was wore the same hat consistently in every flame reading we did. Finally, there was an almost complete picture on the paper with the hat perched on his head and she said that’s who I am. So we eventually found out specifically who she was. Interestingly enough, I had never heard of him and yet she had friends who had his photographs or knew all about him.


Past Lives, Present Lives and Future Lives, Part Five

past life workshops boulder

Welcome to part five of this blog. This subject Past Lives, Present Lives and Future Live is so big we will have more blogs covering it. We are very interested in either your comments or experiences.

Many famous people believe in reincarnation. Many people around the world have experienced past lives and accept them as fact. Some of these are the Dali Lama, Edgar Cayce, and Dr. Brian Weiss. Over the years I have had many experiences in Dr. Brian Weiss’s workshops, cruises, and classes.

In this blog post, we will explore two past lives that Dr. Weiss talked about at length: 1) Jenny, who remembered her lifetime in Ireland and was worried about the eight children she left behind when she died suddenly; 2) Elizabeth and Pedro, who were clients of Dr. Weiss’s, and his attempt to get them together and the drama that happened.

Jenny Cockell started remembering her past life as Mary Sutton in Ireland. At this point, she was four years old and no one believed her. She started drawing a building she remembered. It turned out to be the old hospital that she died in. She was very worried about her children. One of the reasons she was so worried was because she knew her husband wouldn’t be able to take care of their eight children. Eventually, through talking to a man in Ireland and through research and hypnosis, she found the town of Malahide, Ireland. She was very determined to find her children from that previous lifetime. So eventually, she was able to go to the town of Malahide and found the building she kept drawing and dreaming about since the age of four. It was indeed the hospital she had died in. She eventually found her old house and some of her still living children. She told them her story and all the details she had gotten from her dreams etc. over the years. All of them that were alive agreed that those details were true. Several of them just couldn’t wrap their heads around past lives so even though they liked her they couldn’t accept her as their dead mother. The others however did believe she was their mother and were thrilled that she came to find them. Her fears about their fate was real. Her husband in that lifetime couldn’t take care of them so they were separated and put in orphanages to be taken care of. The ones she found stayed together and they were the youngest so they were still alive.

CBS made a movie about Jenny’s life but they changed her name to Jenny Cole and Jane Seymour played her. There are also books that are out by her that tell her story.

Dr. Brian Weiss told this story many times in his classes and he loved it so much he even wrote a book detailing the lives of Elizabeth and Pedro.

They were both clients of his that met with him on different days but after many sessions with them he started to realize they were seeing the same details of past lives. Neither one of them could seem to have a positive real relationship. They had never seen each other in this lifetime. They were strangers. They were both suffering from grief around the loss of a loved one. So even though he had never done this before, Dr. Weiss set up their appointments back to back on the same day so they could meet. Well they both sat there in his office and completely ignored each other. So, rightly so, Dr. Weiss decided he wasn’t supposed to interfere.

Months later, one of them missed their flight and sat down in an airplane seat next to the other. They started talking and the rest is history.

They got married and were very happy. If you want to read this amazing story it is in a book Dr. Brian Weiss wrote called Only Love Is Real. It’s a great book and all the details are true.


2024 Vernal Equinox Newsletter

2024 Spring Newsletter

Past Lives, Present Lives and Future Lives, Part Four

past life workshops boulder

The saga of late spring is slowly unfolding up here in the Rocky Mountains. The trees are starting to bud, the birds are singing, the hummingbirds are zooming around and the eagles are flying high in the sky. So we will continue with some of the fascinating past lives that I have either observed or experienced personally.

In one of our past life classes years ago everyone in the class of ten people had separate experiences of living in ancient Atlantis before it sunk. Many of them were healers or mystics. They knew each other and described the beauty of Atlantis. I remember Amy (one of the admired older members of the group) saying that we were all together then and knew each other in Atlantis. She talked about how people travel in soul groups through time. Some people gave the same description of where they were in Atlantis. They saw huge crystals of different colors. Some were pointing up and some of them were connected to a very high ceiling and pointing down. There were many buildings and different kinds of rooms everywhere. Some of the people said that they had been told by people who saw visions that there would be a huge explosion and many people would sink. So they left and went to other areas to be safe.

In another class, a woman had a fascinating experience as a young girl in Chicago. Her name was Theodora. She wrote beautiful poetry. Her father showed the poetry to an editor at the Chicago Tribune and he printed them on a regular basis. Her father Theodore and she was the love of his life. She had a black nanny that she loved. Then around thirteen Theodora got seriously ill with a very high fever and died. Her father was heartbroken. He left the family and never came back.

In another regression, a woman went to a lifetime where she lived in a cold country. She felt it was in Norway or Holland or Sweden. Her father was gone much of the time traveling and working. She lived in a large mansion or castle that was run by a woman who oversaw the cooking, cleaning and running of the house. There was also a tall man with dark hair guarding her. He was in charge of a group of soldiers dressed in red uniforms. He rarely talked to her. He just stood guard most of the time. She wrote books and poetry. She had a large dog and a white horse. When the weather was nice, she took her horse out and the guard and the dog went with her. She asked him why he was always around and he said it was his job to make sure she was safe. She didn’t get her name.



Past Lives, Present Lives and Future Lives, Part Three

past life workshops boulder

As I have explained in previous blogs I have explored and experienced past lives for well over 30 years. Some of you are interested in some of the experiences that have occurred throughout the years. So we will examine a few of the past lives and aspects that occurred that still stand out in my mind.

In a Brian Weiss workshop, a woman experienced a profound past life session where she was an ancient Phoenician. She could give many details that turned out to describe the ships, colors, and clothing and the native people that lived there. She got very emotional in the middle of the experience because all of her family and close friends went off on a large Phoenician ship and had to stay behind while she finished working on some kind of written language. She didn’t understand the language of the native people who lived near her. They were very kind to her. Then after years, she realized something had happened to her family and friend’s ship because they never came back. She finished her written language project and died late in life. The native people put her in a small version of the big ship that took everyone else away. They set the small boat on fire and pushed it into the Mediterranean Sea.

In one of our past life courses, a woman started to cry and was deeply moved by her experience. Her ancestors came from Ireland. But her grandparents had moved to a island Martinique and she married a man who was originally from France. They had 3 daughters. Two of these daughters died relatively young. Her oldest daughter had married a man in France. It was during the time of the French Revolution. She saw the date 1766 as the time when a powerful hurricane ripped their home to pieces. They had to live in a sugar mill. They also experienced a huge volcanic eruption on the island a few years later. Her husband died young and left her with great debt. She was a very determined woman and turned the plantation they lived on around. It became successful for its time. There were riots and rebellions in the city, but she stayed on the plantation moving away from it all. She thought her name was Claire Rose or Rose Claire.

Another group of past lives that stood out was located back in the mid-19th Century. the Underground Railroad was a network of secret routes and safe houses to help slaves escape to free states and Canada. Much to my surprise four of the people in our class had past life experienced where they smuggled slaves out of New Orleans in a wagon with a false bottom. They were all wealthy white women from New Orleans and a man connected to one of the women helped consistently. They took turns driving and helping people escape for years.

Another woman consistently experienced lives in ancient Ireland. One that stood out was her life as a Druid. She seemed to live in a large cave by herself. She belonged to a large group of Druids. The images she saw were in black and white and then suddenly would be completely covered in a beautiful green color. She was wearing an animal skin to keep warm. She seemed to be a leader of some sort and could do many things that we consider magical. She said it felt like they were all very close to the sea or the sea people. She also had a very large white stallion and an animal that looked like a very large dog that protected her.

We had many people experience lifetimes in Europe, Africa, South America, Asia, and in the colonies around the world. We will explore more parts of past lives and future lives in future blogs. If you have had any experiences you would like to share, feel free to email Patricia at [email protected] and please put past lives in the subject line.


Past Lives, Present Lives and Future Lives, Part Two

past life workshops boulder

Our world is vast and complicated. The Earth is a mid-sized planet in the middle of an enormous Universe. The concept of reincarnation is ancient and complicated. Pythagoras, Socrates, and Plato all wrote about reincarnation back in ancient Greek times.

The belief in reincarnation is a basic Shamanic belief. It was present in many hunter-gatherer tribes. This shows us that reincarnation had to be part of the most ancient cultures of our planet. Many North American tribes believed in some form of rebirth in their spiritual traditions. This is especially true for the Intuit, Tlingit, Aleut, Beaver, Kutchin, Carriers, and Kwakint tribes. Almost all Native American Indians considered reincarnation a natural way of continuity and further development of the soul.

I have been involved with past life work for over 30 years. I highly recommend any workshop of Dr. Brian Weiss, Denise Linn, or Anita Moorjani. Some forms of reincarnation focus on linear progress in lives toward releasing karma or toward enlightenment. Others explore different circumstances and lives to understand different cultures and classes.

Around 20 years ago I was introduced to a concept that I realized that both Denise Linn and Dr. Brian Weiss knew. In their workshops we not only could go to any past life that was important for this lifetime but also we started going to future lives to explore our futures. Then I read Anita Moorjani’s book Dying To Be Me. Dr. Wayne Dyer contacted her and helped the world know about her extraordinary near-death experience and her miraculous healing of her cancer within three months.

In her near-death experience, she saw and discovered what mystics and scientists have been saying for a while. Everything outside the Earth’s time zones there is no time. She already believed in past lives BUT was startled to see that all of them were connected in a line that included her past, present, and future.

It took me a while to put all of this in my brain but I can honestly say I have. I knew time didn’t really exist but it took a while to put all the pieces together. We made time up many centuries ago so we could have days, weeks, months, and years.

I now realize that’s how both Denise Linn and Dr. Brian Weiss can take you back to any lifetime and help you change the circumstances of that life if you have been troubled by it in some way. This process then trickles through all your lives changing any situation that you have changed.

There is so much to learn no one could learn it all in one lifetime. For me, it opens up a whole world that I am still exploring with a deep passion.


2023 Winter Solstice Newsletter

resham's journey