2024 Spring Newsletter

Past Lives, Present Lives and Future Lives, Part Four

past life workshops boulder

The saga of late spring is slowly unfolding up here in the Rocky Mountains. The trees are starting to bud, the birds are singing, the hummingbirds are zooming around and the eagles are flying high in the sky. So we will continue with some of the fascinating past lives that I have either observed or experienced personally.

In one of our past life classes years ago everyone in the class of ten people had separate experiences of living in ancient Atlantis before it sunk. Many of them were healers or mystics. They knew each other and described the beauty of Atlantis. I remember Amy (one of the admired older members of the group) saying that we were all together then and knew each other in Atlantis. She talked about how people travel in soul groups through time. Some people gave the same description of where they were in Atlantis. They saw huge crystals of different colors. Some were pointing up and some of them were connected to a very high ceiling and pointing down. There were many buildings and different kinds of rooms everywhere. Some of the people said that they had been told by people who saw visions that there would be a huge explosion and many people would sink. So they left and went to other areas to be safe.

In another class, a woman had a fascinating experience as a young girl in Chicago. Her name was Theodora. She wrote beautiful poetry. Her father showed the poetry to an editor at the Chicago Tribune and he printed them on a regular basis. Her father Theodore and she was the love of his life. She had a black nanny that she loved. Then around thirteen Theodora got seriously ill with a very high fever and died. Her father was heartbroken. He left the family and never came back.

In another regression, a woman went to a lifetime where she lived in a cold country. She felt it was in Norway or Holland or Sweden. Her father was gone much of the time traveling and working. She lived in a large mansion or castle that was run by a woman who oversaw the cooking, cleaning and running of the house. There was also a tall man with dark hair guarding her. He was in charge of a group of soldiers dressed in red uniforms. He rarely talked to her. He just stood guard most of the time. She wrote books and poetry. She had a large dog and a white horse. When the weather was nice, she took her horse out and the guard and the dog went with her. She asked him why he was always around and he said it was his job to make sure she was safe. She didn’t get her name.



Past Lives, Present Lives and Future Lives, Part Three

past life workshops boulder

As I have explained in previous blogs I have explored and experienced past lives for well over 30 years. Some of you are interested in some of the experiences that have occurred throughout the years. So we will examine a few of the past lives and aspects that occurred that still stand out in my mind.

In a Brian Weiss workshop, a woman experienced a profound past life session where she was an ancient Phoenician. She could give many details that turned out to describe the ships, colors, and clothing and the native people that lived there. She got very emotional in the middle of the experience because all of her family and close friends went off on a large Phoenician ship and had to stay behind while she finished working on some kind of written language. She didn’t understand the language of the native people who lived near her. They were very kind to her. Then after years, she realized something had happened to her family and friend’s ship because they never came back. She finished her written language project and died late in life. The native people put her in a small version of the big ship that took everyone else away. They set the small boat on fire and pushed it into the Mediterranean Sea.

In one of our past life courses, a woman started to cry and was deeply moved by her experience. Her ancestors came from Ireland. But her grandparents had moved to a island Martinique and she married a man who was originally from France. They had 3 daughters. Two of these daughters died relatively young. Her oldest daughter had married a man in France. It was during the time of the French Revolution. She saw the date 1766 as the time when a powerful hurricane ripped their home to pieces. They had to live in a sugar mill. They also experienced a huge volcanic eruption on the island a few years later. Her husband died young and left her with great debt. She was a very determined woman and turned the plantation they lived on around. It became successful for its time. There were riots and rebellions in the city, but she stayed on the plantation moving away from it all. She thought her name was Claire Rose or Rose Claire.

Another group of past lives that stood out was located back in the mid-19th Century. the Underground Railroad was a network of secret routes and safe houses to help slaves escape to free states and Canada. Much to my surprise four of the people in our class had past life experienced where they smuggled slaves out of New Orleans in a wagon with a false bottom. They were all wealthy white women from New Orleans and a man connected to one of the women helped consistently. They took turns driving and helping people escape for years.

Another woman consistently experienced lives in ancient Ireland. One that stood out was her life as a Druid. She seemed to live in a large cave by herself. She belonged to a large group of Druids. The images she saw were in black and white and then suddenly would be completely covered in a beautiful green color. She was wearing an animal skin to keep warm. She seemed to be a leader of some sort and could do many things that we consider magical. She said it felt like they were all very close to the sea or the sea people. She also had a very large white stallion and an animal that looked like a very large dog that protected her.

We had many people experience lifetimes in Europe, Africa, South America, Asia, and in the colonies around the world. We will explore more parts of past lives and future lives in future blogs. If you have had any experiences you would like to share, feel free to email Patricia at [email protected] and please put past lives in the subject line.


Past Lives, Present Lives and Future Lives, Part One

past life workshops boulder

Years ago I met an extraordinary woman who my friend Polly said I had to get a reading from at a Psychic Fair in Boulder, Colorado on a Full Moon. Now for some people this is not an extraordinary event. For me is was beyond anything I had ever done. It was my first reading, first Psychic Fair and I had just taken my first Reiki 1 Class the weekend before April, 1985.

So I sat down in front of this kind looking woman who smiled and asked for something that belonged to me that she could hold. So I gave her my keys and introduced to a world I didn’t even know existed.

She immediately looked at me and said you have many past lives. I remember thinking this life has been hard enough I don’t want to even think about past lives or future lives. She smiled and said “You came here because you wanted too, not because you had to.”

I was stunned because I didn’t say what I was thinking. Then she talked about other things that no one knew and the icing on the cake was when she told me that Ethel Prowinski, my other grandmother was around me in the difficult times ahead. I knew I hadn’t ever told anybody Nana (my grandmother through marriage) name.

After a period of time this woman became one of my best friends. I investigated past lives. I went to workshops put on by Brian Weiss and Denise Linn. Eventually I got my friends to go with me on cruises with Brian Weiss and James Van Praggh. Such gifted teachers at all levels.

Eventually Dorothe and I did past life workshops in Boulder and then finally once a month up in the Rocky Mountains at my home. I learned through time how to regress people and do past life flame readings. My world expanded in so many ways through the years and past lives, present lives and future lives are a big part of it. We will be exploring all of these in this blog series. I hope you enjoy them


Signs, Symbols and What They Could Mean For You, Part 4

signs symbols synchronicity

The labyrinth is a universal symbol that dates back to ancient times. Our ancestors used labyrinth shapes through the ages. In many cultures walking the labyrinth was thought to be beneficial in many ways including bringing good fortune, protection, empowerment, spiritual insight, healing and connection to the Divine and nature.

The symbolic world is the language of the Universe. Thus, words often do not convey the essence of the truth. Our perceptions create our inner stories, which in turn create the directions of our lives. Spirals, triangles, circles, squares, and crosses evoke feelings of connectedness that seem universal among humans throughout history.

Cellular patterns, solar systems, and waves of music all create patterns that respond to our living breathing Universe. Good examples of these patterns are spider webs, the swirl of our thumbprints and the tumultuous clouds of a hurricane all speak to us at a subconscious level.

The spiral is a highly complex symbol. It has been used since Paleolithic times and appears in pre-dynastic Egypt, Crete, Mycenae, Mesopotamia, India, China, Japan, pre-Columbian America, Europe, Scandinavia and Britain. It variously represents both solar and lunar power, air, the waters, rolling thunder and lightning, expansion, energy vortexes, creative force, winding and unwinding, birth and death, fertility, the Chinese dragon and kundalini energy.

Another symbol that is considered to have a universal meaning is the circle. The circle stands for unity and wholeness. A series of circles, one inside the other is commonly found as a symbol of the Cosmos. Lacking a beginning or end a circle represents infinity, perfection, and the eternal. Often the circle is used as a symbol of God. The Buddhist and Hindu wheel of life is a circle that symbolizes the constant cycle of change. Also, circles were considered harmonious and protective especially in the Celtic world. In Zen, the empty circle represents enlightenment.

The cross is a universal symbol from ancient times. The cross represented the Tree of Life and the Tree of Nourishment; it also is a symbol of the archetypal person, capable of infinite and harmonious expansion on the horizontal and vertical planes. The cross can represent a shared journey such as that taken by Isis and Osiris or Tristan and Isolde. In modern times, one cross stands for Christianity. The cross universally stands for integration, relationship, balance, synthesis and partner.

We have been fascinated with the triangle throughout time. It is connected to the pyramids and arrowheads. The underlying symbolism of the triangle includes visions, dreams, goals, revelation, and self-discovery. It is an active symbol for spirit and reaching higher realms. Also, it can also stand for integration, protection, and in Christianity the Holy Trinity.

Last but definitely not least is the square. The square was an ancient sign for the earth and it was particularly important in the symbolic systems of India and China. The square symbolized permanence, security, balance, honesty, integrity and morality.

Turtles have lived on our planet for over 200 million years. Symbolically the sea turtle (one of my favorite creatures) stands for success, achievement, creative progress and attainment of our goals is we persevere. When the sea turtle appears, either in pictures or real life, we are being told that the worst is over and as long as we maintain our persistence and courage, success is assured. the sea turtle also suggests to us to find a balance between practicality, creativity, care and patience.

Tortoises are land turtles. They usually indicated that problems can be solved through patiently dealing with things one step at a time. They tell us to slow down and focus on the basic parts of our lives. They often appear when we have experienced many changes, burden and hardships. They remind us that there is light at the end of the tunnel and that success is within our reach if we persevere.

I do hope you like this series and that your holiday is filled with blessings.

Blessing to all of you,

Signs, Symbols and What They Could Mean For You, Part 3

signs symbols synchronicity

Welcome to Part Three of our latest series — Signs, Symbols & What They Could Mean For You!

In these chaotic times developing your intuition and understanding what the symbolic meanings of numbers, animals, trees, flowers, insects, birds and places is very helpful as we navigate life. Of course as always seeing something randomly one time probable doesn’t mean anything BUT you never know, so pay attention anyway. Usually when something appears at least three times in a short period it means something for you.

Throughout ancient times trees were thought to have souls. Trees were treated as ancient beings and were respected as divine sources of wisdom and protection. Spiritual energy fields are generated by trees, and the landscape they inhabit.

Sometimes we forget we are connected within a living pulsing Universe, a Universe that sings with life, that pulses with intensity of spirit.

Trees have a multitude of meanings. One of the most popular is the symbolism of the cyclical character of death and rebirth that trees represent. Trees symbolize the three levels of the cosmos. The underworld through their roots, the earth’s surface with their trunks and lower branches, the heavens with their upper branches and the top reaching up to the light.

The Cosmic Tree is often depicted as a majestic species. Celtic culture felt it was the oak tree, the Germans the lime tree, the Scandinavians the ash tree, the Eastern people the olive tree and in Siberia  often the birch tree. All of these trees were large, white and lived a very long time. There is also the World Tree and the tree of Life in many ancient cultures that had powerful and significant symbolism for their people.

So let us dive into some possible meanings of trees. The apple tree has symbolized knowledge, spirituality, sexuality, concentration, well-being, magical energy, healing, happiness and success throughout time in many cultures around the world.

The oak tree is a powerful symbol of strength, durability, expansion, rebirth, and manifestation of creativity. The birch tree is known to many to symbolize new beginnings, protection, and guidance. The beautiful ash tree means resilience , endurance and development of sensitivity. The pine tree teaches us all to learn to go beyond appearance, and activate our inner light. It also teaches us to listen to our higher wisdom and guidance.

The elm tree symbolizes trust, compassion , balance and developing self esteem.  The spectacular fir tree represents joy and protection . The aspen tree which covers much of the land around my home in the Rockies  tells us to express our feelings, be gentle, have strength, be hopeful, and follow what your heart tells you is right. The yew tree symbolizes longevity, eternal life, ancient wisdom, resurrection, reincarnation and new beginnings. The last tree we will discuss is the flexible willow tree and it symbolizes lunar cycles, receptivity, nurturing yourself and others, developing balance and your intuition.

Another powerful symbol around the world is the wolf. Wolves are connected to protection, family, teachers, psychic powers and loyalty. Some consider the wolf  the scout or pathfinder, the forerunner of those who return to the group to teach and share new teachings. Wolves mate for life and are very loyal. Some legends tell us that wolves come from Sirius, the Dog Star. If the wolf comes into your consciousness you might pay closer attention to your inner guidance and take more time alone to understand your true path within your group or family. Pay attention to your intuition, writing ability or ability to help others understand  their path in life. Wolves are very loyal to their pack and also are powerful individuals. The most common symbolic meanings are not connected to loss or fearful situations even though many show wolves that way…it is not what they symbolize.

The cat is given contradictory meanings — angel and devil, attacker or guardian, good luck or bad luck, it is associated with independence, curiosity, and healing. Cats excellent at detecting the presence of Spirit. Cats also have powerful senses of smell, eyesight and hearing. So they teach us to pay attention, listen carefully and be quietly patient. Cats represent transformation, clairvoyance, agility, watchfulness, sensual beauty, and mystery. In Egypt cats were considered benign and sacred creatures. The cat headed goddess Bast was very popular and powerful in Egyptian culture. Other lunar goddesses were the Greek Artemis and the Nordic goddess Freya were drawn by cats. In Rome the cat was symbolic of liberty and freedom.

Finally I will finish up this part of the series with the symbolism of the cricket, grasshopper and ladybug. In most traditions it is best to leave crickets alone. To hear crickets was believed to herald good luck. Their appearance means to trust your own intuition. If you hear crickets sining it is a sign that a time of good cheer is upon you. Success is ahead. Grasshoppers are symbols of leaps of happiness. Leaping forward on your journey is what seeing a grasshopper is all about. It tells us to keep moving forward.

The appearance of the ladybug heralds a time of luck and protection in which our wishes begin to be fulfilled. Ladybug’s appearance also signals new happiness often with material gain. Worries will begin to dissipate.

I hope you are enjoying this series. There are so many different kinds of signs and symbols in the world we have decided to add a few more blogs and continue this type of conversation. I would love to hear from all of you about your experiences and stories.


Signs, Symbols and What They Could Mean For You, Part 1

signs symbols synchronicity

Welcome the beginning of a new series!

Let’s start with my favorite flower (notice the picture for this series) the sunflower. Around the world this flower has a powerful and positive symbolism. Choose what matches your feelings around seeing these flowers either in pictures or in person. Usually for something to be a sign you need to see it at least 3x within a short period of time. If that happens start looking at what kind of message the Universe might be sending you. For example you see a van drive by with large sunflowers all over the side or you drive by a field of sunflowers or you see a bouquet of flowers that has sunflowers in them all within a week or so. Generally the meaning of the sunflower can be faith, loyalty, steadfast, optimism, happiness, longevity, good fortune and good luck.

         I live high in the Colorado Rockies so I am blessed to have, see and hear many types of woodpeckers year round. History is filled with stories and myths around this fascinating bird. In Native American tradition it is a bird connected to the heartbeat of the Earth itself. The drumming of the woodpecker has mystical connections from new life rhythms, shapeshifting to opening up of the heart chakra. Increasingly important for you is to follow your own unique rhythmns and flight. It also indicts that the foundation of your life is solid. It is now safe to follow your own rhythmns.

         The next powerful symbol that actually showed up this past summer for me was the Goshawk. The goshawk is a large, gray hawk. It is the largest North American hawk. Its’ means are new spirit contact within your life, helping you accomplish your goals, and maneuver anything that is causing you trouble. Their true message is “Remember who you truly are!” They remind all of us if we can dream it, we can achieve it!”

         One of my favorite animals that I see year-round up here are the elk. If the elk has come into your life in any form it can mean that you are about to hit your stride and learn to pace yourself effectively. Elk are very protective of their young. The words that connect to elk most are stability, stamina, perseverance and nobility.

         The next animal I see frequently is the deer. Most deer are wanderers. They never follow the same path twice. The myths and legends around deer are many. Often times the deer leads kings or hunters deep into the woods until they are lost and begin to encounter new adventures. The main symbolism of the deer is gentleness, innocence, and the lure into the unknown. When a deer shows up remember to be gentle with yourself and others. It always means there is an opportunity to explore gentle love that will open new doors to adventure for you.

         One of my favorite animals I get to see up here if I am lucky is the Bear. There are many myths and stories around the world connected to the Bear. They are very playful. They symbolize the awakening of the unconscious. Bear teaches us to go within for our answers and to tap into our own creativity at certain times of the year. They are often the power animals around healers, psychic warriors.  They symbolize spiritual authority, strength and protection.

         The moose is a majestic creature that I am always in awe of when I get to see them. Sometimes they are right outside my deck or on my driveway. They seem a bit awkward and yet very graceful at the same time. They move silently and swiftly. It is the symbol of creativity and dynamic forms of intuition and illumination. The symbolism of the moose can teach us the ability to move from the outer world to the inner world. They also are symbols of psychic ability, and a invitation to learn to explore new depths of awareness and sensitivity within yourself and your environment .

         The last creature for this part of the series we will discuss is the Red Tailed Hawk. This hawk is very symbolic. It is often connected to the Kundalini energy for many people. It teaches one how to fly to great heights while keeping your feet on the ground. The red tailed hawk helps us in balancing and using our senses appropriately. It also symbolizes balance and intensity of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual forces. Also it symbolizes hope and being open to new ideas, and fearlessness.

         All of the creatures are helpers and teachers for anyone who is willing to pay attention. The next blog will cover animals, numbers and their symbolic meanings for you when you see them three times or more. I recommend you write these sightings down in a journal or notebook.

Blessings, Patricia