Signs, Symbols and What They Could Mean For You, Part 3

Welcome to Part Three of our latest series — Signs, Symbols & What They Could Mean For You!

In these chaotic times developing your intuition and understanding what the symbolic meanings of numbers, animals, trees, flowers, insects, birds and places is very helpful as we navigate life. Of course as always seeing something randomly one time probable doesn’t mean anything BUT you never know, so pay attention anyway. Usually when something appears at least three times in a short period it means something for you.

Throughout ancient times trees were thought to have souls. Trees were treated as ancient beings and were respected as divine sources of wisdom and protection. Spiritual energy fields are generated by trees, and the landscape they inhabit.

Sometimes we forget we are connected within a living pulsing Universe, a Universe that sings with life, that pulses with intensity of spirit.

Trees have a multitude of meanings. One of the most popular is the symbolism of the cyclical character of death and rebirth that trees represent. Trees symbolize the three levels of the cosmos. The underworld through their roots, the earth’s surface with their trunks and lower branches, the heavens with their upper branches and the top reaching up to the light.

The Cosmic Tree is often depicted as a majestic species. Celtic culture felt it was the oak tree, the Germans the lime tree, the Scandinavians the ash tree, the Eastern people the olive tree and in Siberia  often the birch tree. All of these trees were large, white and lived a very long time. There is also the World Tree and the tree of Life in many ancient cultures that had powerful and significant symbolism for their people.

So let us dive into some possible meanings of trees. The apple tree has symbolized knowledge, spirituality, sexuality, concentration, well-being, magical energy, healing, happiness and success throughout time in many cultures around the world.

The oak tree is a powerful symbol of strength, durability, expansion, rebirth, and manifestation of creativity. The birch tree is known to many to symbolize new beginnings, protection, and guidance. The beautiful ash tree means resilience , endurance and development of sensitivity. The pine tree teaches us all to learn to go beyond appearance, and activate our inner light. It also teaches us to listen to our higher wisdom and guidance.

The elm tree symbolizes trust, compassion , balance and developing self esteem.  The spectacular fir tree represents joy and protection . The aspen tree which covers much of the land around my home in the Rockies  tells us to express our feelings, be gentle, have strength, be hopeful, and follow what your heart tells you is right. The yew tree symbolizes longevity, eternal life, ancient wisdom, resurrection, reincarnation and new beginnings. The last tree we will discuss is the flexible willow tree and it symbolizes lunar cycles, receptivity, nurturing yourself and others, developing balance and your intuition.

Another powerful symbol around the world is the wolf. Wolves are connected to protection, family, teachers, psychic powers and loyalty. Some consider the wolf  the scout or pathfinder, the forerunner of those who return to the group to teach and share new teachings. Wolves mate for life and are very loyal. Some legends tell us that wolves come from Sirius, the Dog Star. If the wolf comes into your consciousness you might pay closer attention to your inner guidance and take more time alone to understand your true path within your group or family. Pay attention to your intuition, writing ability or ability to help others understand  their path in life. Wolves are very loyal to their pack and also are powerful individuals. The most common symbolic meanings are not connected to loss or fearful situations even though many show wolves that way…it is not what they symbolize.

The cat is given contradictory meanings — angel and devil, attacker or guardian, good luck or bad luck, it is associated with independence, curiosity, and healing. Cats excellent at detecting the presence of Spirit. Cats also have powerful senses of smell, eyesight and hearing. So they teach us to pay attention, listen carefully and be quietly patient. Cats represent transformation, clairvoyance, agility, watchfulness, sensual beauty, and mystery. In Egypt cats were considered benign and sacred creatures. The cat headed goddess Bast was very popular and powerful in Egyptian culture. Other lunar goddesses were the Greek Artemis and the Nordic goddess Freya were drawn by cats. In Rome the cat was symbolic of liberty and freedom.

Finally I will finish up this part of the series with the symbolism of the cricket, grasshopper and ladybug. In most traditions it is best to leave crickets alone. To hear crickets was believed to herald good luck. Their appearance means to trust your own intuition. If you hear crickets sining it is a sign that a time of good cheer is upon you. Success is ahead. Grasshoppers are symbols of leaps of happiness. Leaping forward on your journey is what seeing a grasshopper is all about. It tells us to keep moving forward.

The appearance of the ladybug heralds a time of luck and protection in which our wishes begin to be fulfilled. Ladybug’s appearance also signals new happiness often with material gain. Worries will begin to dissipate.

I hope you are enjoying this series. There are so many different kinds of signs and symbols in the world we have decided to add a few more blogs and continue this type of conversation. I would love to hear from all of you about your experiences and stories.
