Past Lives, Present Lives and Future Lives, Part Four

The saga of late spring is slowly unfolding up here in the Rocky Mountains. The trees are starting to bud, the birds are singing, the hummingbirds are zooming around and the eagles are flying high in the sky. So we will continue with some of the fascinating past lives that I have either observed or experienced personally.

In one of our past life classes years ago everyone in the class of ten people had separate experiences of living in ancient Atlantis before it sunk. Many of them were healers or mystics. They knew each other and described the beauty of Atlantis. I remember Amy (one of the admired older members of the group) saying that we were all together then and knew each other in Atlantis. She talked about how people travel in soul groups through time. Some people gave the same description of where they were in Atlantis. They saw huge crystals of different colors. Some were pointing up and some of them were connected to a very high ceiling and pointing down. There were many buildings and different kinds of rooms everywhere. Some of the people said that they had been told by people who saw visions that there would be a huge explosion and many people would sink. So they left and went to other areas to be safe.

In another class, a woman had a fascinating experience as a young girl in Chicago. Her name was Theodora. She wrote beautiful poetry. Her father showed the poetry to an editor at the Chicago Tribune and he printed them on a regular basis. Her father Theodore and she was the love of his life. She had a black nanny that she loved. Then around thirteen Theodora got seriously ill with a very high fever and died. Her father was heartbroken. He left the family and never came back.

In another regression, a woman went to a lifetime where she lived in a cold country. She felt it was in Norway or Holland or Sweden. Her father was gone much of the time traveling and working. She lived in a large mansion or castle that was run by a woman who oversaw the cooking, cleaning and running of the house. There was also a tall man with dark hair guarding her. He was in charge of a group of soldiers dressed in red uniforms. He rarely talked to her. He just stood guard most of the time. She wrote books and poetry. She had a large dog and a white horse. When the weather was nice, she took her horse out and the guard and the dog went with her. She asked him why he was always around and he said it was his job to make sure she was safe. She didn’t get her name.
